The Key to Automatic Weight Loss!

Dr. Ludwig proposes a novel, radical but scientifically true way to solve the obesity epidemic once and for all.

Don’t worry about how much you eat, because you will never be able to control that. Rather, focus on what you eat, the quality of the food you eat, the composition of the food you eat (high in fiber, good quality protein and fat, low in starch and sugar). Then, you won’t be hungry and will shift from fat storage to fat burning. And you will prevent most chronic disease including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer and dementia.

10 Take Home Lessons: Forget the Calories, Focus on the Quality of Your Diet

Here are the take home lessons from Dr. Ludwig’s paper:

  1. Overeating doesn’t make you fat. Your fat cells make you overeat.

  2. You make hungry fats cells by eating sugar and refined carbs.

  3. Restricting your calories will slow your metabolism, make you hungry and guarantee that your weight loss attempts will fail.

  4. Eating a higher fat, higher protein, lower sugar and refined carb diet will speed up your metabolism and cut your hunger.

  5. Controlling what you eat is much easier than controlling how much you eat.

  6. Forget calorie counting. It’s not about the calories but about diet quality and dietary composition. Just try eating 1,000 calories of broccoli.

  7. End our scientifically outdated position that all calories are equal and weight loss is simply a matter of eating fewer calories than you burn.

  8. Lower insulin by a sugar detox, and watch your body lose weight effortlessly without hunger or cravings.

  9. To learn more, watch the movie Fed Up or read The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet (a medically designed program to cut insulin and detox from sugar and refined carbs).

  10. Stop blaming yourself for lack of willpower, and start empowering yourself by eating real, whole, fresh food that’s low in sugar and starch.

Wishing you health and happiness,

Mark Hyman, MD

Mark Hyman, MD

Mark Hyman, MD is the Founder and Director of The UltraWellness Center, the Head of Strategy and Innovation of Cleveland Clinic's Center for Functional Medicine, and a 13-time New York Times Bestselling author.